Woodlands Young Adult Ministry (lovingly referred to as YAM) is a group of young adults (in the post-graduate season of life) getting connected to Christ-centered community by gathering regularly. Our desire is to integrate young adults into the life of the church through intentional spiritual development and building relationships + connections.
New to YAM? Reach out to Whitney Swenson! We look forward to connecting with you!
Our regular meetings have this rhythm:
1st Monday of each month we meet as a large group.
2nd & 4th Mondays we meet in small groups in homes of intergenerational leaders.
3rd Monday we are “on mission“! This is an evening dedicated to living out our faith.
Upcoming YAM Schedule:
3rd: Large group @ Woodlands!
10th: Small groups in leader’s homes
24th: Small groups in leader’s homes
3rd: Large group: Service night. More info to come
10th: Small groups in leader’s homes
17th: Spring break – no YAM
24th: Small group in leader’s homes
31st: Small group in leader’s homes
7th: Large group @ Woodlands!
14th: Small groups in leader’s homes
21th: YAMs On Mission // Leader Meeting offsite
28th: Small groups in leader’s homes
We are using the “Practicing the Way curriculum and learning about the practice of generosity and studying Scripture. We hope you can join us!
Get Connected

Whitney Swenson