Dig into the sermon each week with your life group, spiritual growth partner, or even by yourself! We’ll provide ideas to jump start your group time (Opener Questions:  for building community), discussion questions to go deep (Discussion Questions:  for fostering Christ Centered community), and ways to apply what you learned throughout the week (Practical Applications:  for faithfully following Jesus through your week).


Opener Questions

  • If you were to describe your Fall so far in gardening terms, how would you describe it? (i.e, overgrown, unmanageable, sparse, underwatered, fruitful, thorny, etc.)

  • Tell about a time when you were tasked with carrying an important message. What was the message and what were the circumstances you encountered in delivering the message?

Discussion Questions:

    1. What are you reading in Scripture?  What are you learning about God, the way He moves and works, and about yourself in light of who God is?  What about Jesus has been good news for you this past week?

    2. Story so far….We’re making a jump from Jesus’ Great Commission in Matt 28:18-20 and Jesus’ call to be witnesses in Acts 1:8 to the sending of the first missionaries in Acts 13. Take a few moments to trace some of the key events that are recorded in Acts 1-12. How do you see the supernaturally empowered body of Christ carrying out the command of Jesus to make disciples?

    3. Read the first three verses of chapter 13 in Acts.  Make note of the actions of the early church in Antioch. In your judgment why were worshiping the Lord and fasting both important preparations for the Holy Spirit to speak?  How might this apply to a decision or task you are currently facing?

    Also, note the actions taken that follow the Holy Spirit speaking.  What are you seeing? How might that inform the way you live?

    4. Consider all of the people involved in Acts 13:1-12.  Do a quick character study to understand who is here in this story, a little of who they are and their interactions in these 12 verses. 

    Look specifically at Saul/Paul and Bar-Jesus/Elymas? What are some of the parallels sets up between the story of Saul/Paul and the story of Bar-Jesus/Elymas? 

    5. How do we see the Holy Spirit at work in the Church in Acts 13? What is He doing? How is He moving? Think of the whole books of Acts so far and ask the same questions.  What patterns are arising?

    Where do you see evidence of the Holy Spirit at work here at Woodlands/Central Wisconsin? What is your role in this Story? How might the Holy Spirit be inviting you to join him?

    6. Read John 16-20 for next week in Woodlands in the Word.  Our sermon passage is Acts 13:13-52.

    Practical Applications

     Dinnertime Discussions: Where is God leading you to go? And where is God leading you to send?


    Gospel in Everyday Life: Spend some time thinking about how Jesus has been good news to you this week.  Then consider some of the people and places that make up your everyday life.  With whom can you share this good news?


    Developing Disciplines: “Fasting is going without food for a set amount of time to awaken our body and soul to our deep hunger and need for God. It’s one of the most powerful — and neglected — of all of Jesus’ practices.” When God’s people fast and pray, God answers in powerful ways. Is fasting a part of your spiritual practices? 


    Practicing Prayer: Be purposeful in setting aside unhurried time to engage in communal prayer together with your life group.


    Verse Memory: Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and to the ends of the earth.”