July 11-15


Monday: Luke 5, Isaiah 58-60, Psalm 82
Tuesday: Luke 6, Isaiah 61-64
Wednesday: Luke 7, Isaiah 65-66, Psalm 83
Thursday: Luke 8, catch up
Friday: Luke 9, Hosea 1-5, Psalm 84


We’d love to have you join us in praying for the things below this week!

  • Pray for these last two weeks of preparation for VBS. Pray that everything comes together well and that many children would come and be impacted by the gospel.
  • Pray for those who attended Discover Woodlands on Sunday – that they would be able to get connected with more people and into the life of the church. Pray that their faith would grow deeper as they connect.
  • Ask for God to give the Elder Board wisdom as they continue to provide guidance and leadership behind the scenes for our church in these complex times.
  • Pray for the leaders of our Care Ministries, groups, and classes to have God’s wisdom and strength as they help people find healing and hope through Jesus together.
  • Pray for the families of Woodlands that God would use the different pace and activities of summer to renew and strengthen marriages and relationships with children.
  • Missionary couple to pray for: Nick & Emily
    You can pick up a missionary directory with more information about who they are and where they serve at the Information Center at church.

