- Pray for our generational ministries: Woodlands Kids, Woodlands Youth, YAM (young adults ministries) + Senior Fellowship. Thank God for the richness in the span of generations here at Woodlands. Pray for the upcoming launches of our Kids, Youth, and Young Adult ministries for the year, and for our monthly Senior Fellowship gathering.
- Pray for the fall launch, Step In. Ask that the Holy Spirit is at work among us guiding and directing us towards ways to step further into Woodlands and growth in our relationship with Christ.
- Pray for discernment for Keelea and the hiring team for the hiring of a Kids Ministry Assistant (+ thank God for a number of qualified applicants).
- Pray that God would raise up new givers out of our new attendees. Ask that God would graciously teach people the faithfulness to God involved giving and tithing.
- Pray for our supported missionaries (need to remain unnamed for safety) in the Middle East working with an outcast people group hoping to share God’s love through literacy and economic development. Pray 1 Thessalonians 3:7 over them and their ministry. Pray for wisdom, boldness and energy to be the light of Christ in dark and desperate circumstances.