Join Woodlands in prayer this week!
- Praise God for His sovereignty and ask that our trust in His power increases.
- Pray for boldness to be witnesses and live righteous lives in the face of our culture.
- Pray for God’s healing ministry in our church and community.
- Pray for Woodlands Youth. Ask that Wednesday night will be a time where students come to Woodlands and are impacted by the love that Christ has for them. Pray for our volunteers, that they have wisdom, discernment and energy. Pray for our Woodlands youth team, Justin, Gabby, Kari, and Angel.
- Pray for Operation Christmas Child boxes and collection. Pray for our team of volunteers as thousands of boxes are coming in this week!
- Pray for our supported missionaries Oscar & Karla. To learn more about Oscar & Karla, pick up our supported missionaries pamphlet at the info center.