Join Woodlands in prayer this week!


  • Pray that we rely on God’s Word as a source of peace, and cherish our daily time in the Word. 
  • Pray for our next Senior Pastor. Ask God to prepare ourselves and our congregation to STAND with the him (Saying yes to him, giving him Time to settle in, Accepting him for who he is, Not comparing him to other pastors, and praying for his Daily).
  • Pray for the Search and Discovery team, for continued unity, clarity, wisdom, and discernment as they are getting closer to finishing the “discerning” phase in the process. 
  • Pray for Woodlands Youth as they wrap up their ministry year with their final meeting this week and their celebration of Seniors next week.  Thank God for Pastor Justin and Belinda, and the hard work that they poured into the ministry this year.  Ask God to guide and protect our youth. 
  • Pray for our supported missionaries John and Judy (Colossians 1:28-29).