Join Woodlands in prayer this week!


  • Pray that we see Jesus; that our vision is filled with who He is and who we are because of Him.
  • Pray for Easter services, both at Woodlands and at Bible-believing, Jesus-following churches in our community.  Pray that as community members celebrate Jesus they recognize Him as savior, and that the gospel is present and evident in the celebrations. 
  • Pray for our Care ministries and the upcoming Trauma Healing event.  Pray for the many volunteers who diligently care for members of our community. 
  • Pray for Woodlanders that are on Spring Break – that they will have rest and joy through vacation or time at home with family. 
  • Pray for our supported workers Jay & Melissa.  Pray 1 John 2:8 over them and their ministry.  You can learn more about Jay & Melissa through their prayer card on the wooden wall in the foyer.