Join Woodlands in prayer this week!
- PRAISE God for His outpouring of provision, faithfulness, love and goodness upon Woodlands Church.
- Thank God for the Search & Discovery Team and our Elder board, for their many hours and diligence in seeking God together. Pray that they experience abundant peace and rest in the coming weeks.
- Pray for Jon and his family. Pray that we continue to STAND with Jon. Ask that God is evident in the logistics during the remainder of their time in MN as well as their transition to Woodlands and Stevens Point.
- Pray that our congregation would continue to fan into flame our faith by being intentional in our spiritual disciplines (prayer, fasting, digging into God’s word, resisting sin, taking a regular sabbath, sharing our faith and giving generously).
- Pray that we would be guided in grace by the Holy Spirit as we move forward together.