Join Woodlands in prayer this week!
Pray for people in our congregation and community that are looking into the Kingdom of God but have not yet chosen to enter in. Pray that God would eliminate the barriers that are preventing them from choosing the Kingdom, and that the Gospel would be evident and impactful this week.
Ask that Pastor Jon would be refreshed as he is between ministry assignments. Pray that his time with God would be sweet. Pray that family time for the Ewtons would be unifying and memory building. Pray that as a family they would be tightly knit together as they embark on this season of change.
Pray for the Serve Sunday. Ask God to be directing people towards the ministries that He has intended them to serve in. Pray that people are excited to take a next step and use their time and talents to serve.
Pray for YAM (Young Adult Ministry). Pray that Young Adults would come to the summer events and get connected to other young adults and leaders. Pray those connections would be the beginning of deeper relationships centered around loving and following Jesus in all of life, for all of life.
Pray for our supported missionaries Jerry and Diana. Pick up a copy of our Supported Missionaries pamphlet at the wood wall by the auditorium entrance to learn more about them!