This week let’s pray for our team leaving for Uganda on Friday! Here are some ways to pray from them:

Woodlands has partnered with Global Hands of Hope in Uganda since 2009. This year Emma, Drew and Tina Nelson, Shane Glinski, Steve VanArk, Katrina Arnold, Deb Neff, and Phil Barker are traveling there to instruct and encourage teachers and staff and interact with children.

  • Pray that the Lord Jesus would be honored by our service and attitudes. He is doing great things in Bukeka, Uganda and we want Him to use us to strengthen Global Hands of Hope. Many challenges will push against that.
  • Pray for our physical health to not interfere with ministry and unity. Flying 3 outbound flights with the longest being 14 hours, and eating 2 weeks of different foods can impact our spirits and bodies. There are also ongoing personal ailments and family health issues that we are concerned about. We need wisdom, self control and favor in these needs.
  • Unity is important on a mission trip. We get stretched in ways that can make us nervous, frightened, angry, and sad. Those stretches can make us doubt or mistrust one another. Pray that we can encourage, forgive, and love one another through the games, lessons, personal talks, laughing, praying and worshiping.
  • We have multiple spiritual and practical lessons for 7 days. 500 children create significant cross-cultural dynamics. We are seeking the encouragement, training, and growth for the 70+ staff in their labor and abilities. Spirit guided conversations and personal insightsare necessary to do the good the Lord expects and plans for us. Pray that we would “Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness”.