Join Woodlands in prayer this week!
- Pray for the Christmas celebrations happening this week (YAM, Kids Crossing, potentially small groups celebrating, etc). Pray that these celebrations would spark joy and create genuine community among those attending.
- Pray for our Christmas Eve services. Ask that those that are attending who do not come to church regularly would feel drawn to the truth and light of who Jesus is.
- Pray for Woodlands staff as we finish our tasks for the end of the year this week in anticipation of the holidays. Pray for focus, clarity and unity, and ask that staff have the ability to rest and return after the holidays energized and refreshed.
- Pray that we continue to shine the light of Christ with us in every encounter that we have with others, and that Christ’s light will be the focal point of Christmas.
- Pray for our supported missionaries. As many of them are away from family ask that God blesses them Christmas.