Let’s pray for our church, together, this week!

Prayer Prompts:

  • Pray that, even now, people would be making the plan to come to Woodlands and hear the good news on Christmas Eve.  Pray for those in our community that have had touch-points throughout the year with Woodlands (think about those that attended Trunk-or-Treat, or other events).  Ask that they are reminded of joyful interactions with our church, and take the step to come to a service!  And that we make bold asks to invite those in our community.
  • Pray that the need for volunteers, specifically in our Youth and Kids ministries, are filled!  Ask that the Holy Spirit works both in ministry leader’s minds to make specific asks, and also in the hearts of those that God is calling to those volunteer positions. 
  • Pray for our staff while they take time to celebrate Christmas together this week.  Pray that our unity is protected during this very busy season. 
  • As Christmas approaches, let’s pray for wisdom as the church manages its resources and finances. May we be diligent, patient, discerning, and faithful in all our decisions.
  • Pray for our college students that are in their final weeks of the semester and preparing for finals.  Pray for College Study day on Saturday, that our church can be a place for them to connect with each other and prepare well.
  • Pray for our supported missionary Natalya as she works with InterVarsity at UWSP. Pray over her final push for support raising, and that she is building strong connections to students on campus. Pray 2 Peter 3:9 and Psalm 84:10 over her and her ministry.