• Pray for the Leadership Gathering happening on the 27th.  Ask that leaders will feel unified, equipped and energized for the ministry year ahead and that there are sweet conversations and connections made.
  • Pray for the remainder of the Albania mission trip and their travel back on the 25th.
  • Pray for ministry leaders and staff as ministries are launching.  Pray that leaders will have clarity and vision for the year ahead, that logistics will all come together, volunteers will step into their roles with ease, energy, joy and excellence, and that the gospel will be central to all we do.
  • Pray for Pastor Doug as he returns from sabbatical on the 26th.  Ask that he can sit in the full presence and peace of Christ for the last few days, and that he can return with joy and excitement while holding onto things that he learned or experienced during his time away.
  • Pray for our supported missionaries that work to spread the gospel and develop disciples on college campuses both locally and globally; Erick + Courtney, Dave + Heidi, Graham, Zak + Becky, Ryan + Colleen, Andy + Joanna, Natsumi, Al + Steph, Tim, Kristina, Dave + Sarah, Jordan, and Logan.