Support Global Missions

All gifts made to Woodlands Church designated for any missions trip will be used at the discretion of Woodlands Church to support the costs associated with the global outreach team efforts of the church. Individual team members are responsible for raising a portion of these costs. You may express a preference to have your gift support the work of an individual team member.  Here is how to do that:

For an online gift, select which trip you would like to give towards below and complete the online giving form. Then, please contact Vicki Neumueller, Woodlands Global Outreach and Classes Ministry Assistant, at 715.728.2475 or to let her know of your preference.

For a gift by check, please make your check payable to Woodlands Church and indicate “<trip location> preferenced for <team member name>” on the memo line of the check. Then, mail your gift to the church office or drop it in the Offering Box on Sunday morning. Preferenced gifts are accepted with the understanding that Woodlands Church will use these gifts to support the costs associated with the individual team member, other team members, and overall outreach expenses associated with this global outreach team effort.