Monday, September 21
Romans 15, Psalm 113, Nahum 3, Joshua 1-2
- Joshua 2 shows a really interesting part of Israel’s story. Rahab, a non-Jewish prostitute, hears of Yahweh and His power and chooses to follow the God of Israel. Pray today that our community would see the power, grace, mercy, and beauty of our God and choose to follow His mission.
- Pray that we would all learn to develop a lifestyle of faithfully going to people with the good news of the gospel and generously sharing our time, talents, and treasures for Kingdom purposes.
Pray that we would all develop the conviction that the extent of our fruitfulness will be determined by the extent of our faithfulness in what He has entrusted to us.
- Pray for the Woodlands Encouragement Team. May God continue to bless them with the exact words that people need to hear to be encouraged & lifted up, in each card that gets mailed out.