Dig into the sermon each week with your life group, spiritual growth partner, or even by yourself! We’ll provide ideas to jump start your group time (Opener Questions: for building community), discussion questions to go deep (Discussion Questions: for fostering Christ Centered community), and ways to apply what you learned throughout the week (Practical Applications: for faithfully following Jesus through your week).
Opener Questions:
- Share your favorite Christmas/Advent tradition.
- What is your favorite kind of Christmas cookie? Why?
Discussion Questions:
1. Personal Scripture reading recap:
Where have you been in Scripture this week? What truth about who God is or what He’s done has captured your attention and adoration? How is that truth impacting the way you live?
2. Worship Song: Abide
Listen and/or read through the lyrics to the song we sang together on Sunday called Abide.
Look at each verse and the two choruses.
Identify the biblical truth in the lyrics. Find scripture referenced by key words, phrases, and ideas.
How do these lyrics serve as a reminder that impacts your abiding in Jesus?
3. Ponder the Scripture Passage: John 15:1-11
Read out loud John 15:1-11 together. First, have one person read the whole passage.
- Then choose different translations and popcorn through the 11 verses out loud. What stands out as you navigate this passage in different translations?
- Set the stage for the people involved. Who is playing what role in this passage?
- What is each person’s purpose?
- What questions arise as you consider God the Father’s purpose, Jesus’ purpose, and the believers’ purpose?
- Look for repeated words/themes.
- What does “abiding” or “remaining” in Christ mean?
- What does it look like to be a fruitful branch?
- What is the purpose of the fruit?
- What helpful warning comes from this passage about being disconnected, unproductive and withering, in essence, not abiding in Christ?
- Tangibly, what does “abiding” mean for you/us? What does that look like for you? What practices can we “do” to help us abide?
4. Church Father Quote: Read aloud this quote taken from a sermon preached by John Chrysostom, late in the 4th century,
Christ is not known as God alone, or man alone, but both together. For I know He was hungry, and I know that with five loaves He fed five thousand. I know He was thirsty, and I know that He turned the water into wine. I know he was carried in a ship, and I know that He walked on the sea. I know that He died, and I know that He raised the dead. I know that He was set before Pilate, and I know that He sits with the Father on His throne. I know that He was worshiped by angels, and I know that He was stoned. For by reason of this He is said to have been both God and man.
And for reason of this, we can come to be with Him, to abide with Him, and so to live with Him forever.
Discuss the things we know about Christ from this quote, other scripture, and our own experiences.
As you look at your week, how does your head knowledge and heart of faith match up? What joys and challenges are drawing you nearer to Jesus or are you looking to yourself or others as your source of abiding?
5. Advent Question:
Advent is a season of waiting for Christ’s arrival. How do abiding in the Vine and waiting interplay in the life of believers? Is it just this season? How does Advent prepare us for a lifetime of abiding and waiting on the Lord? Is there something you are waiting for right now? How can we hold each other in prayer as we exercise the practice of waiting and abiding?
6. Upcoming Woodlands in the Word:
Philippians 2-4 and 1 John 1-2; the passage for next Sunday is John 3:1-21.
Practical Applications
Dinnertime Discussions: Advent is a season of waiting and preparing our hearts for Christ’s advent (His coming). Is there something you are waiting for right now? What makes waiting hard? Is there a truth from John 15 and the message this past week that helps you as you wait? Share around the table and as each person shares, allow another to pray for what is shared.
Gospel in Everyday Life: Enter into your day with a desire to abide in Jesus, for apart from him you can do nothing! When you look at your day, where are you tempted to do things on your own apart from Christ? Repent and return to a humble posture of abiding in Him.
Developing Disciplines: The imagery of the vine and the branches (this dwelling place) is developed in the beautiful imagery of the Father, Son, and community of believers in John 15:1-11. Lean into the community aspect and invite someone into your space and practice being a loving presence, a branch that is deeply connected to the Vine.
Practicing Prayer: Read this article from John Piper, “Prayer Vocalizes Our Abiding in Christ”. Put one of the suggestions into practice.
Verse Memory: As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.” John 15:9