Mom’s Groups 


Moms of Preschoolers

Mops is not meeting during the summer months.  Check back in August to learn more about our Fall 2024 Mom’s groups.

New & Expectant MOMS


Our New Moms Ministry exists to come alongside Woodlands women who are new moms or are preparing to become new moms. We would count it a privilege to cheer you on as you go through the many changes in becoming a mom. We’d love to meet with you and encourage you with a few meals, a welcome gift and a caring heart as well as to “shower” you with information about what Woodlands Church has to offer for families with little ones. This will be an exciting (and challenging) time for you. Our desire is to be available to offer support for you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Our team of “seasoned” moms will enjoy getting to know more about you. Please fill out the registration form and submit it. Someone will contact you with more information about how we can join with you in celebrating and welcoming the precious gift God has given you.


The New Mom’s Ministry operates on a volunteer basis. We are called to follow Christ’s example by loving and caring for one another and we invite you to join us in this exciting outreach to new moms and their families by joining our team who helps to prepare meals; provides welcome gifts or plans an annual social event. If you are interested, or for further questions about the ministry, please contact Nancy Smith.