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Classes + Groups

Classes + Groups





Woodlands Basics

Are you interested in joining a Woodlands Life group or a Men’s or Women’s Discipleship Life Group? Woodlands Basics: Groups is the first step for you. Come and learn about how our groups are relational, transformational, and missional–rooted in scripture and prayer as we hope to help each other faithfully follow Jesus. At the conclusion of this class you will have an opportunity to sign-up for an open life group or DLG.

Sunday | January 26th | 10:30AM-11:45PM

Woodlands Core

We encourage everyone to take Woodlands Core classes!  Woodlands Core dives into foundations of our church and being a follower of Christ, and are focused on having practical applications that will transform your faith.

Woodlands Core classes that we are currently offering are The Bible 101: Trusting, Reading + being Transformed by God’s Word and Faithful Habits: Practicing Prayer and Other Spiritual Disciplines.

Learn More About The Bible 101

The Bible is the most transformative and important book ever written. It’s also often found to seem inaccessible, confusing, and difficult. How do we bridge these two realities?

Even more than that, there are questions: can we trust the Bible? How do we know who wrote it – can we trust the people who compiled it? How about translations? Why do different churches use different versions? And if scholars spend their entire academic careers studying the Bible, how can I, as a regular person, ever hope to understand or apply this book to my own life?

Join us as we explore all these topics and so many more in a compact, four week class. This CORE class at Woodlands Church provides a foundational baseline we believe every person should have – whether you’re just exploring Jesus or if you’ve spent your entire life following Him. 

This class is a hybrid class, with some pre-class videos to watch, followed by in-class discussion, lectures, and practice. Attendees will leave with confidence in the history and trustworthiness of the Bible, as well as important skills in Bible study and a wealth of resources for ongoing, lifelong, fruitful Bible reading. 

Learn More About Faithful Habits

We know we’re suppose to pray, and we talk a lot about “following Jesus” – but what does that all practically mean? At the end of the day, what does it actually look like to be a Christian? Maybe you’ve been walking with Jesus for your whole life – maybe you just recently accepted him. What does it mean to now be a Christian? 

Faithful Habits is a four week core class that teaches you how to identify areas in your life that need to grow, to find practices that can help make that growth happen, and then build habits that reinforce those practices into your everyday life. It’s a class we believe everyone who calls Woodlands Church their home should take! 

Faithful Habits will be offered throughout the years on various days and at various times, and we firmly believe you should take it. It includes a 16 week study and devotional guide, and will give you valuable tools and skills in your pursuit of Jesus. Whether you’re new to your spiritual journey or have been following Jesus for your whole life, this class will help you more faithfully follow Him.

For Anyone

For Women

For Men

For Kids + Youth

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