Everyone goes through difficult circumstances in life. We are here for you and would love to walk alongside you.

“Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2
Upcoming Events
Let's Talk About: Biblical + Medical Hope for Depression
Thurs | Feb 27 | 6-7:30PM
Receive care

Betrayal and Beyond is a grace-filled small group for women whose spouses struggle with sexual sin. If you would like more information, please submit your contact information in this form, and the group leader will contact you shortly. All contact information is kept confidential.

A warm, caring environment led by people who understand what you’re going through. This group of people meets weekly to help you heal from the hurt of separation and divorce. Hear from nationally recognized experts on divorce and recovery topics. Seminar sessions include: “Deep Hurt”, “Road to Recovery”, “Grief & Depression”, “Loneliness”, “Fears & Anxiety”, “Conflict”, “Forgiveness” and others.
Classes take place Mondays, 6-8PM at Woodlands. Each session closes after the second class.
Our current session is now closed.
To learn more about DivorceCare, visit their website, www.divorcecare.org.

Are your children angry, hurt, and confused about your separation or divorce? A DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) support group is a safe, fun place where your children can learn skills that will help them heal. DC4K groups blend, games, music, stories, videos and discussion to help kids process the divorce and move forward. Groups meet weekly and are designed for children ages 5-12.
Class size is limited.
Our current session is now closed.

Grief is universal. It will happen to all of us during our lifetime, but that doesn’t make it easy. Come join this group of people to discover that you are not alone in this journey. The group has a workbook, discussions, and videos that will guide you through the grieving process.
Classes take place Mondays, 6-8PM at Woodlands. This class can be joined at any time.
Sign up here for the current session.
A $21 contribution for materials is suggested.
Click here for more information, about GriefShare.

Healing the Wounds of Trauma, a small group designed to bring healing to wounds of the heart, emotions, spirit, and soul, from trauma or loss. If you suffer from hopelessness, nightmares, ongoing sadness or exhaustion, unexplained anger, flashbacks, being overwhelmed, feelings of isolation, or unprocessed grief, whatever the source, this small group may be for you.
Facilitators are trained in Bible-based trauma healing.
This class takes place Wednesdays from 9-11AM, Jan 22-Feb 26. Sign up here.

This group meets every week at Woodlands. The purpose of this group is to encourage one another to follow God’s standard for sexual purity. We do this by reminding one another of the Bible’s teaching on healthy sexuality. As a supportive team of brothers we are there to hold one another accountable and provide a safe, confidential place to share. Please contact Jed Haas for more information or click the link below. Meets Thursdays 6:30-8:30PM.

Many men who struggle with sexual brokenness try to go it alone. They believe the lie that sexual brokenness is about sex; when really, it’s about medicating the pain in their lives. Despite their losses—marriage, ministry, relationships, and more—they continue to return to unwanted sexual behaviors. But the truth is, we cannot fix a problem if we don’t know what’s causing it. Through Pure Desire you’ll start to understand your whole story and identify what contributes to your sexual brokenness. You will begin your recovery from unwanted sexual behavior with a trusted group of men on the same journey.
Complete this form if you are interested or want to learn more about Pure Desire Ministries for men. This registration is simply to let us know that you are interested. One of the leaders of Pure Desire, Travis Thomack, will contact you after submission.
This registration is confidential and will only be accessible to ministry leaders.

We all desire sexual integrity, whether it’s for ourselves or for others, but we often struggle with knowing where to start. This 8-week video training is a deep-dive into the factors that contribute to unwanted sexual behavior, how shame and grace affect the healing process, as well as practical tools and strategies that lead to lasting health. This class is open to everyone, whether you struggle, your spouse struggles, or you want to be more equipped to walk alongside others in this area. Check out this video to learn more!
This class is will be offered again in the fall.

Foster Friends creates Care Communities to surround each foster family at our church with a meal once a week, childcare and prayer. This tangible support helps the family to foster longer and avoid burnout.
Sign up for a Care Community by clicking HERE.

Are you or someone you know feeling isolated, homebound, at home recovering from surgery/illness or having difficulty getting out and would like someone to visit for an hour once a month? Our Visitation Team loves to visit and connect with fellow Woodlanders! Just fill out this brief form so we can get connected.
give care
Care Responders
The Woodlands Care Responders are trained volunteers who listen, encourage, pray with and point care receivers to resources within our church and community. Serving as the first point of contact, they provide a personal, compassionate, and safe response to requests for support or help. If appropriate, Care Responders will follow-up over the next year with the person with whom they worked. Each Care Responder is on call one week at a time on a rotating basis. Ongoing training and support is provided monthly.
Encouragement team
The Encouragement Team sends cards of encouragement in response to prayer requests, medical issues, to those in nursing homes, to Woodlands pastors and staff, to those who have suffered a loss, and in appreciation of service.
If you know of someone within Woodlands who could use an encouraging note email Laura Woods.
Interested in becoming a part of the Encouragment Team? Submit this form.
Foster Friends creates Care Communities to surround each foster family at our church with a meal once a week, childcare and prayer. This tangible support helps the family to foster longer and avoid burnout.
If you are interested in being a part of a Care Community, please submit this form.

Lead a Group or class
Whether it is DivorceCare, GriefShare, recovery or another let us know if you are interested in leading a group or class through filling out the serving form.
Interested in leading a group or class? Submit this form.
Prayer Team
A group of Pastors, Elders and volunteers who review prayer requests and pray for those with various needs in our church.
Interested in becoming a part of the Prayer Team? Submit this form.
Visitation team
Our Visitation Team is a group of men and women who encourage people by visiting them in their homes. Once a month, we visit those who are homebound, recovering from illness and need someone to keep them company, or anyone who is lonely and desiring connection.
If you know of someone within Woodlands who could benefit from visitation fill out this form.
Interested in becoming a part of the Visitation Team? Submit this form.