by Hannah Laffin | Prayer, Spiritual Growth Tool
Join Woodlands in prayer this week! WEEKLY PRAYER REQUESTS: Pray that we are peacemakers, keeping unity and eliminating distraction from our mission to go and be disciples by making peace when conflict arises. Pray for our youth team as they prepare for the Spring is...
by Hannah Laffin | Prayer, Spiritual Growth Tool
Join Woodlands in prayer this week! WEEKLY PRAYER REQUESTS: Pray that we are have a clear mission to be witnesses of the change Christ has made in us to those around us and that we have an unwavering focus on Jesus. Pray for Good Friday and Easter services as...
by Hannah Laffin | Prayer, Spiritual Growth Tool
Join Woodlands in prayer this week! WEEKLY PRAYER REQUESTS: Pray that we do not fear evil this week, but remain in the love of God, build each other up, diligently pray, and wait in the confidence of God’s return to redeem this world and make all things good. No...
by Hannah Laffin | Prayer, Spiritual Growth Tool
Join Woodlands in prayer this week! WEEKLY PRAYER REQUESTS: Aroma Cafe – Pray for Aroma Cafe. Pray for the leadership and volunteers that are making it happen, the women who will be on the panel (Julia, Lorraine, Kim & Char), and that the women who attend...
by Hannah Laffin | Prayer, Spiritual Growth Tool
Join Woodlands in prayer this week! WEEKLY PRAYER REQUESTS: Upcoming Women’s & Men’s Events – As Aroma Cafe and No Regrets are being planned and leadership teams are preparing, ask for provision and guidance, as well as for many to attend and be...