Thursday, September 23rd


Isaiah 46-48, Proverbs 17, NT Catch Up


  • “Listen to me, house of Jacob, all the remnant of the house of Israel, who have been sustained from the womb, carried along since birth. I will be the same until your old age, and I will bear you up when you turn gray. I have made you, and I will carry you; I will bear and rescue you.” (Isaiah 46:3-4). It may be helpful to place this prophecy of Isaiah in its historical context – Isaiah prophesied during the reign of 4 kings in the Southern Kingdom of Judah (called in the time of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah; revisit 2 Kings 15 – 20 or 2 Chronicles 26-32 to remember).  This is set in a time of great pressure and impending threat from the super world powers of their time and of rebellion in regards to the people of Israel. In a time of impending defeat and exile, Spurgeon’s comments on this passage are, 

“We live by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave himself for us.  We rejoice that we will never have to change our confidence, for our God will never be carried into captivity or torn from his throne.  Our faith is built on a rock that can never be moved.  Nothing in the past has shaken the foundation of our faith.  Nothing in the present can move it. Nothing in the future will undermine it.  Whatever may occur in the ages to come, there will always be good reason for believing Jehovah and his faithful Word.  The great truths he has revealed will never be disproved.  The great promises he has made will never be retracted.  The great purposes he has devised will never be abandoned.  So long as we live, we will always have a refuge, a hope, a confidence, that can never be removed.”  

Rejoice in this truth today.

  • On alternating Thursdays, a group of moms gather here at Woodlands to encourage and support each other through MOPS and a mom’s discipleship group. Pray for the many moms at Woodlands, young and seasoned, to-be and deeply desiring to-be.  Pray that their hearts would be refreshed and renewed by the Word, by Jesus.  Pray that they would experience the gospel of grace deeply themselves and be a guide for their children to walk in grace, as well. Pray that relationships made in these settings would bring encouragement and gracious insight into raising their families to the glory of God.
  • Please pray for Ryan and Colleen as they seek to make disciples on campus in Central Wisconsin with Cru.*


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
