Friday, October 8th


Jeremiah 10-12, Psalm 119 (over 2 days), Hebrews 2


  • Hebrews 2 is another look into the person and work of Jesus Christ.  The question posed in the opening verses hit hard for those of us who know loved ones who haven’t yet trusted in Jesus as their Lord and Savior and said yes to the free gift of grace he offers.  Let this be a cause to pray for those far from the Lord, or those who have yet “neglect{ed} such a great salvation” (vs. 3).
  • Reflecting on the sermon series we started last week, Rooted in Grace, remember Pastor Dave’s summary, “Through the gospel of grace, we have been transformed.  We no longer need to earn our identity.  It has been gifted to us.”  Pray for yourself and your brothers and sisters in Christ, that the radical gifted identity we have in Christ would firmly take root and would be the identity from which we operate.  Pray for the Spirit’s power to root out the other things we place our identity in (Jesus AND ***), and that he would graciously remove the hold they have on our lives.
  • Pray for the Compassion churches and centers we have partnered with in Ghana, Bolivia, and India.  Pray that God would establish the work being done in and through these centers and churches would plant seeds that yield eternal fruit.  Pray for children to be released from poverty in Jesus name!*


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
