Tuesday, October 5th


Jeremiah 1-3, Proverbs 19, Philemon


  • Today we read the entire letter from Paul to Philemon.  This letter is written to Philemon about his slave, Onesimus, who apparently escaped, ran into Paul, learned about Jesus and was saved.  Now Paul is sending him back, “no longer as a slave, but more than a slave – as a dearly loved brother” (v.16). Spurgeon’s comments on this are:  “Nature is selfish, but grace is loving. … Jesus Christ enlarges the heart when he cleanses it.”  Pray today for an enlarged heart.  Pray for eyes and hearts to see brothers and sisters in Christ as dearly loved, and in this particular example, ones who may have wronged you in the past.
  • As we begin this new series Rooted in Grace: A Study of Galatians, we ask that you be praying for the children who attend Sunday School who are learning alongside the adults about the law, what a covenant is, what grace is, what freedom in Christ is, and exploring the Gospel of Grace throughout these next six weeks. We pray that the Holy Spirit would be working in their hearts to explain these difficult passages to them in a way that makes sense to where they are at and what this means for them! Please be praying for our Sunday Kids teachers as they prepare each week to help our kids dive into the book of Galatians.
  • Please pray for the team of Christ followers serving in Indonesia to advance the gospel.  Pray that their efforts would be established by God’s hand and seeds would be planted that yield eternal fruit.*


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
