Friday, October 2

Hebrews 8, Psalm 118, Zechariah 2-4


  1. Jesus mediates a covenant that is better; we read that in Hebrews 8 today – since it is enacted on better promises.  The author of Hebrews then quotes the Old Testament passage from Jeremiah 31:31-34 that points to an inward change and transformation.  This is an incredible part of being a Christ follower, the Holy Spirit now lives in you!  Pray for the Holy Spirit to be working in you today to form you more into the image of the Son.  Pray for the global Church in this regard, as well.
  2. Pray that we will have sufficient tech volunteers for our October start up: broadcast and live sound, lights, media playback, cameras, video directors, stage hands. Pray, also that these teams and those who lead them can learn the new roles in the new auditorium effectively and efficiently.
  3. As we move into live services again this weekend, pray for our worship teams – that as they come together to serve, they would do so effectively and the passion and authenticity with which they serve would lead our congregation in a way that brings honor and glory to God.