Thursday, October 14th


Jeremiah 22-24, Proverbs 19, Hebrews 6


  • Hebrews 6:18 says that God is our refuge and hope. Holy Spirit, move in my heart and mind to keep coming back to the hope I have in You. The many things I hope in apart from You will fail but You can be trusted. I place my hope in You.
  • “Lord Jesus, we lift up the Jobs for Life participants to You. Use this class to bring fresh insight into the heart and mind of each participant.  You care about every area of our lives, including our work.”
  • Another prompt from Compassion International to pray for people living in poverty, particularly our Compassion kids: Some of the places where our sponsored children live are rife with corruption. Pray that your sponsored child would reject corruption and would be an example of honesty and integrity in his or her community.*


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
