Wednesday, October 13th


Jeremiah 19-21, Psalm 121, Hebrews 5


  • Hebrews 5:7 tells us that while on this earth, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to God. Holy Spirit, move in my heart to pray as Jesus prayed. If it mattered to God’s Son, it should certainly matter to me.
  • Pray that the youth of our church would “hunger and thirst for righteousness” (Matthew 5:6).  God says that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness “will be satisfied.”  Pray that our students’ affections and hunger would be for the things of God.  He will fulfill those desires 100% of the time.
  • Here’s another prompt from Compassion: Although our sponsored children don’t have access to many material resources, they have access to the immeasurable love of Christ! Pray that your sponsored child would live a life of love — committed to the love of his or her Lord and the love of others.*


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
