Monday, October 11th


Jeremiah 13-15, Psalm 120, Hebrews 3


Pastor David Hansen is writing our Woodlands in the Word prompts this week!

  • Hebrews 3:12 challenges us to not have an evil, unbelieving heart that causes us to drift away from our living God.  Pray that the Holy Spirit would fill us with belief in Jesus and the discipline to walk in purity.
  • Our GroupLife Lead Team meets tonight.  Pray that God would mold this team into a cohesive, spirit-led team focused on His Son, Jesus.
  • Last week we prayed for our partner, frontline churches and centers with Compassion.  This week we’re going to focus on a few ways to pray for those living in poverty, particularly our Compassion kids (if you sponsor one.  If you don’t and you want to, reach out to me!) Here’s a prompt from Compassion: Praise God that through the local church and our program, sponsored children have access to the most important gift of all — salvation through Christ. Pray that God would make your sponsored child’s heart tender to repent and find salvation in Christ.*


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
