Tuesday, March 30


Deuteronomy 25-27, Proverbs 17, John 15-16


  • In our readings lately, the words “so that” are standing out.  We get a glimpse into why God is doing what he does.  He is so very purposeful.  Repetition continues into John 15 and 16 today, but a few other words may stick out to you. Along with so that, trace all of the repetitions of ‘produce’ and ‘abide/remain’ (depending on which translation you read).  Spend some time pondering what Jesus is saying in this stretch and how “apart from me, you can do nothing” deepens how we understand and follow Jesus.  Pray through your ponderings.
  • We are seeing so many new families attending Woodlands and know that Easter will bring additional new families and children into our care. Please be praying that God would use our teachers on Sunday to show our current and new children just how much God loves, adores, and treasures them! Thank God for blessing Woodlands with amazing men and women of faith who have a deep desire to pour into the next generation of believers. 
  • Please pray for Al & Steph as they seek to make Christ known and loved.*


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
