Thursday, June 17


1 Chronicles 5-7, Proverbs 28, 1 Corinthians 3


  • “That foundation is Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 3:11). From Spurgeon’s Study Bible notes, “If any company of people calling themselves a church depend for salvation and eternal life on anything besides or beyond the merit of Christ’s atoning sacrifice, they are not a church.”  Pray that this sure foundation of Jesus Christ is all we depend on as a church body!
  • Pray for our team of volunteers that give of their time and talents to make Sunday morning service a welcoming and grace-filled environment.  Tonight our worship team will practice, Sunday several teams will come and warmly welcome attenders, while others will make all the tech work behind the scenes.  Give thanks for these people and pray that God would cause fruitfulness and growth from their giving of their time and talents.
  • Pray for Tim and Sarah as they seek to make disciples of Jesus!*


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
