Monday, June 14


2 Kings 21-23, Psalm 70, Romans 16


  • Today we wrap up Romans in the New Testament portion of the reading plan.  Let the long list of brothers and sisters in Christ that Paul names, greets, and describes be a bridge for you to think on, name, and pray for the brothers and sisters you’ve walked or labored alongside for the sake of the gospel.  Give glory to God for these saints and pray that they would walk in obedience to Jesus Christ in all of life, for all of life.
  • As we walk slowly through the book of Ephesians together as a church, pray that our eyes would be lifted to – that we would see more clearly who God is, and what he’s done.  Pray that our eyes as a collective church body would see and respond to God!
  • Pray for Tim and Tracy as they seek to make disciples of Jesus with InterVarsity in the AK!*


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
