Friday, July 9


OT Catch Up, Psalm 81, 2 Corinthians 1


  • It has been said that the book of psalms provides instruction for how God’s people are to live – particularly while in exile when there is no more temple, no Davidic king on the throne, no more promised land.  How are we to live as God’s holy nation of priests?  As you read through today’s  psalm and all of them, bring to mind this question in prayer.  God, how would you have us live as your mediators in a culture that is often hostile to you and your ways?  Lead us in your paths of righteousness, justice, mercy, love and grace. 
  • Pray for the staff of Woodlands Church.  Pray for refreshment, restoration, and encouragement this summer.  Pray that Jesus would be our first love and we would have sweet times with Him, seeking him, loving him, following him. 
  • Please pray for Oscar and Karla who are serving in Guatemala.*


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
