Monday, August 16th


Job 27-29, Psalm 97, Ephesians 5


  • A sermon illustration from Charles Spurgeon on the first two verses of Ephesians 5 says, “We must not be satisfied with feeding the soul by meditation but rise up from the banquet and use the strength we have gained.  Sitting at the feet of Jesus must be succeeded by following in the footsteps of Jesus.”  Pray today that the Spirit would prompt and empower you to both be fed at the feet of Jesus and walk in his footsteps, in love.
  • Use Woodlands’ purpose statement to form your prayer today for the church body, our staff, and our impact on the community:  To be a Christ centered community helping people faithfully follow Jesus both locally and globally.
  • Pray for Gordon and Sara as they seek to make disciples of Jesus through Bible translation efforts.*


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
