Nursery at Woodlands  

We provide nursery ministries during our 9:15 & 10:45am Sunday morning worship services.  Our nursery teams are a mix of parents, students, and screened workers.  We love to provide a caring place for these precious gifts to your family while you participate in our worship experiences.

Our nurseries are for children from birth to age two.  We group children by age and development.  Our usual groupings for the nurseries are: infants, ones and twos.  We occasionally adjust these groupings based on numbers of kids involved in the ministry.

We also provide a Nursing/ Cry Room for families who wish to keep children with them during services.  This room is available to give newborns and nursery-age children a little more wiggle room (and noise level) while providing the opportunity for parents to follow the service on video.

If you are visiting Woodlands Church your children are more than welcome in our nursery and Sunday School Programs! We just ask that you see our Woodlands Kids check-in desk to register them. If you know you’ll be visiting and would like someone to walk you through your first time here just email us and we can set that up for you! 

If you have more specific questions about our wellness policy or check-in and paging procedures you can click on the links below.

Wellness Policy

Please be considerate of others when determining whether your child should be in the nursery or not. For the sake of the health of children and volunteers and staff, please do not leave your child if they have experienced any of the following symptoms within the past 24 hours:

        • Fever (100 degrees or more)
        • Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)
        • Vomiting or Diarrhea
        • Persistent coughing or bringing up phlegm
        • Chicken Pox
        • Discharge from eyes, ears or nose
        • Any rash (except diaper)
        • Diagnosed with/or being treated for a communicable disease

If any of these symptoms arise while your child is in our care, your child will be removed from the nursery and you will be contacted immediately.

If your child comes down with a contagious disease (lice, chicken pox, meningitis, hand, foot, mouth disease, etc.) and you did not know about it before they had contact with other children in our nurseries please contact Tory Esqueda


Child Check-In Procedures

Our nursery staff is a caring and dedicated mixture of paid workers, ministry partners, and parent volunteers.

The first time you come to put your child in the nursery you will need to stop at our children’s ministry check in desk and fill out a brief information sheet on your child. If there are allergies or medical concerns for your child, please make us aware of that information as well. All of this information is then put into our computer system and helps us provide the best that we can for your child while they are in our care.

When you check your child on one of our of our ipads located throughout the Children’s ministry wing in you will be given a name tag to place on your child, and a paper slip that you will need to keep with you and return when checking your child out. This prevents anyone but the person with the slip from checking out your child. We will use texting to contact you quickly if your child is having any challenges adjusting or if we have any care questions. Please be sure to keep your phone on vibrate during the service. We have friendly and helpful staff that will be happy to answer any questions you have and will work with you and your child to make the drop off transition as easy as possible.

The windows into our nurseries allow you to view your youngster without them noticing. If your child is having a difficult time at any point while they are with us we will contact you.

At the conclusion of the service you will simply need to bring the check out slip you recieved during check in and give it to one of the teachers.