July 18-22


Monday: Luke 10, Hosea 6-10, Psalm 85
Tuesday: Luke 11, Hosea 11-14
Wednesday: Luke 12, Joel 1-3, Psalm 86
Thursday: Luke 13, Amos 1-5
Friday: Luke 14, Amos 6-9, Psalm 87


We’d love to have you join us in praying for the things below this week!

  • VBS for 4K – 4th Grade starts next Monday, July 25th! Please pray for our kids to have hearts to hear the powerful truths that will be shared, for our volunteers to have peace about the week and the energy needed to lead our kids well, and that the families would be blessed through the week together.

  • This upcoming weekend we have a Worship Pastor candidate who will be visiting us and participating in our Sunday Worship services. Pray for God’s guidance and discernment as we meet with the candidate in-person and decide on next steps in the process of hiring.

  • Our Senior Pastor Search and Discovery Team, along with our Elders, are making decisions regarding next steps in the process of hiring the next Senior Pastor with crucial decisions that need to be made in this process taking place over the next few weeks. Pray that God would be guiding these decisions and that His will would be made clear to them.

  • We have a team headed to Albania next week, leaving on the 29th! Pray for transportation to and from the airport in Chicago, the ability to provide an encouraging experience to the Mozaik church members who are not able to attend the conference due to their current occupations, that God would open the communication between our team and the Mozaik church members despite language differences, for unity amongst the team, physical safety during the team’s time in Albania, and God’s grace and peace as they navigate logistical challenges and team dynamics while serving the Roma people.

  • After getting married this summer, Elijah Allord and Gabby Sroda are heading to England as year-long missionaries. Pray for all the logistics, for God to provide paths financially for them as they raise support, and for their time in England as they work in a local church. Also, pray that the process of applying and obtaining visas would be quick and smooth so that they can be in London by early to mid-September.