January 10-14


Monday: 1 Timothy 6, Genesis 19-21, Psalm 4
Tuesday: 2 Timothy 1, Genesis 22-24
Wednesday: 2 Timothy 2, Genesis 25-28, Psalm 5
Thursday: 2 Timothy 3, Genesis 29-31
Friday: 2 Timothy 4, OT catch up, Psalm 6


    • Pray for all of the students who went to Districts, that they would continue to grow and put into practice what they learned at the conference. Pray they would learn to trust and obey Jesus more and more each day.

    • For everyone who made a Spiritual Growth Plan, pray that God would use it powerfully in their lives this year as they walk with Him. Also, pray for those who have yet to make one, that the Holy Spirit would inspire and motivate them to be intentional and excited about growth this year. 

    • Our Groups & Classes Signup has launched so pray for many to get connected to others in community this year so they can grow and be encouraged in their walk with Jesus. 

    • We hope to find Bill Horvath’s replacement in the next five weeks. Keep praying for the hire of the Executive Director of Accounting and Finance.

    • Missionary couple to pray for: Please pray for the Hendrikson family:  Rich, Rachel, Autumn Rayne, Levi, Havalah, and soon-to-be-added Manu! Pray that this family would be able to draw deeply from the well that never runs dry as they enter this new year. Isaiah 41:13 is a great verse to pray for this family:  
      For I, the Lord your God,
      hold your right hand;
      it is I who say to you, “Fear not,
      I am the one who helps you.”