April 11 – April 15


Monday: Matthew 24, Psalm 43
Tuesday: Matthew 25, Joshua 1-4
Wednesday: Matthew 26, Psalm 44, Joshua 5-8
Thursday: Matthew 27, Joshua 9-12
Friday: Matthew 28, Psalm 45, Joshua 13-21


    • We’d love to have you join us in praying for the things below this week!
      • Easter and Good Friday are right around the corner. Pray that God would bring to your mind the names of people He wants you to invite to the services. Ask that God would give you opportunities to make those invitations, and for receptive hearts.
      • Pray that God would move in the hearts of those who have not yet been baptized to take that step of obedience. Pray that our upcoming baptism service would be one of celebration and rejoicing in what God has done!
      • Our Rent-a-Student ministry is in full swing; ask that God would allow this to not just fund many heading on summer missions, but also to unite and build up our church.
      • As we prepare for Holy Week next week, pray that God would use it as a mighty time in your own life. Ask that He would convict you of sin, challenge you in righteousness, and allow you to rest in Him. Begin preparing your heart!
      • Please be praying for our church as we are in the Search and Discovery Process for our next Senior Pastor. Pray that the Search and Discovery Team would have wisdom, insight and unity as they work on collecting input from the congregation and on reviewing the first applicants.  
      • Missionary couple to pray for: Erick & Courtney
        You can pick up a missionary directory with more information about who they are and where they serve at the Information Center at church.