Wednesday, October 14


Galatians 3, Psalm 121


  1. Psalm 121 is such a beautiful reminder of who our God is. This God, who made the heavens and the earth, is our protector and our guard. Pray today for God’s protection and guidance over your life and over our church in the midst of this season. Pray that you would see his protection working around you. 
  2. Did you know that Woodlands has an Encouragement Team?  They send out cards to people in the congregation for all sorts of reasons.  Pray this team finds just the right words to convey their love, care, and support for the people to whom they are writing.  Pray, too, that these cards do encourage the recipients!
  3. We’re now a few weeks and an entire sermon series into knowing and practically apply our purpose statement.  Continue to pray that we would learn as a church and as individuals how to remain Christ-centered by clinging to Jesus, and how to best help those around us faithfully follow Jesus.