Monday, November 30


John 2, Psalm 141, 1 Kings 2-4


  • Last week we started the gospel of John.  John 1:18 talks about Jesus revealing the fullness of who God is. Pray today that you would be able to see the fullness of God revealed in and through Scripture and in and through the people you interact with. 
  • Pray that this Advent season we would be revived, refreshed, and renewed in the Lord Jesus.  Pray the waiting and anticipation of the celebration of Christ’s birth would bring about a deep change within his followers to seek him more, follow in obedience and love, and humbly, gently walk alongside our brothers and sisters while we journey toward renewed and restored relationship with him and others.
  • Today, pray for Oscar and Karla who are serving in Guatemala with Impact Guatemala Network.
    If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney

*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney
