Wednesday, March 31


Deuteronomy 28-30, Psalm 38, John 17-18


  • John 17 is an entire chapter devoted to recording a prayer of Jesus.  Take your time to walk slowly through this chapter, praying the very words Jesus spoke, the words of Scripture to pray now, today.  Jesus prays for himself, his disciples and for all believers.  Do the same today.
  • Pray for our students and leaders coming back together after spring break.  Pray for open and honest dialogue surrounding the deep topics at hand.  Pray that our leaders would have wisdom and compassion.  Pray for God’s Spirit to be strengthening, encouraging and upholding our youth and leaders in these days.
  • Pray for Andy & Barb as they seek to support missionaries who are spreading the Good News in closed countries.*


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
