Tuesday, January 19


Genesis 34-36, Proverbs 5, Matthew 18-19


  • Jesus makes a statement in Matthew 18 that is quite shocking  – “if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away.”  Whoa.  Our sin, my sin, is a serious business.  So serious, that in a few more pages, Jesus will give his life to make payment for it.  In the same chapter, though, we see Jesus’ challenge to Peter in reference to another’s sin against a brother – in reference to how many times to forgive a brother’s sin, Jesus says “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times.”  Take time now to pray and confess your own sin – hardness of heart, idols, actions, thoughts, etc. – that are so serious they require the death of the King of kings to cover.  Repent, and turn from them.  And know that the Father’s heart and, Jesus’ as well, is to offer you forgiveness.  
  • As we continue to re-open and expand in-person activities we are starting to see new families coming to Woodlands! This is exciting and we want to take time this week to pray for our new families-for kids to find friends through in-person programming, for parents to make connections, and throughout these things that they would be able to take steps to faithfully follow Jesus together. 
  • Pray for Oscar and Karla as she seeks to make Christ known in Guatemala. *


*If you’d like more information on these workers, please contact Whitney.
