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Woodlands in Prayer is a prayer tool designed to provide inspiration and information for prayer. 

Today please pray:

  • as our congregation responds to this weekend’s services. Pray we would people who offer grace that is deep and wide, based on the grace we’ve received. Pray we would be empathetic, people of equality, and engaged in the world around us.
  • for our value of Local Outreach:Because Christ is the hope of the world and His people are to be the salt of the earth, we will seek to impact our community by doing good deeds and sharing the good news.
  • for the student ministry team that is now in the Wisconsin Dells working to welcome the international student workforce there. Pray for the Spirit to be moving in the hearts of our students and leaders and among those they’ll meet – pray that many would have divine appointments and conversations that would draw them into deeper relationship with Jesus and each other.